Tory FAIL Blog

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Aug 13, 2009

Tory Fail #12 - Daniel Hannan Does Not Love The NHS

There are many articles that will show how scary the views of Daniel Hannan the Conservative MEP of 'rant at Brown' fame are when he turns his eyes towards the NHS. This link says it all really: Here. David Cameron remains very quiet as the #welovetheNHS campaign on Twitter has near enough crashed the site on multiple occasions and Mr Hannan MEP wades in to show his hatred of the service.


  1. How dare Daniel Hannon go on American T.V and criticism the N.H.S; what a traitor. Shows what the Tory plans are for the N.H.S, they mean to privatise it. That will make money for the insurance companies and I am sure that will benefit the Tory Party.If it so bad here I suggest Mr Hannon goes to live in America.

  2. Hopefully people will remember this prat at the next Euro elections and vote accordingly.
