World Domination Shaped in the Image of the Mekon
William Hague is the Conservative Shadow Foreign Secretary, which for me is a huge shock as we fully well know he is not a friend of Britain and his last attack on Earth (also know as his leadership of the party) led to him being placed in a meteor prison: here.
David Cameron's Foreign Policy Lite(weight)
This aside, we must start to imagine what a Conservative foreign policy could look like. David Cameron once lectured widely on his views on Foreign Policy, as this was 2006 we must ask if it still holds true. One of the key statements he made was "I believe that the neo-conservatives are right to argue that extending freedom is an essential objective of Western foreign policy...", but then he says:
I am a liberal conservative, rather than a neo-conservative.(BBC, 2006: Here)
Liberal - because I support the aim of spreading freedom and democracy, and support humanitarian intervention.
Conservative - because I recognise the complexities of human nature, and am sceptical of grand schemes to remake the world.

The last part of this musing is of course how the grotty Tory old guard headed by a new leader (ringing any G W Bush bells yet?) also have the Cheney trait of blurring big-business with Foreign Policy interests - I wonder if: this is the tip of a Halliburton style iceberg (George Osborne best not be on any yachts when this one appears).

This one's a quick one - whilst David Cameron's policy on Trident is sketchy, let's not forget his colleagues views on our missiles. This video a few months back: is quite scary - Nadine Dorries, Tory MP for Mid Bedfordshire, produces one of the best Tory fails. This is the same Mrs Dorries who spat out her dummy at the Telegraph proclaiming their MP expenses revelations to be like McCarthyism, the fact her analogy is waaaay off to the point of insult, I shudder to think of her line of questioning during a perceived threat period of foreign policy - maybe 'have you brought any bombs to this table?' and of course 'your bomb is a WMD, ours are not'.
I'm sure ToryFAIL will return to this subject as a whole, but I think those musings are enough for now.
UPDATE 03/08/2009
I completely forgot to even add this can of worms - it was going to be a separate post - but it's worth adding here and now: this
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